wrestling heroes

  • When Zay Zay Met...A YouTube thumbnail featuring two men. The man on the left has dark hair and a beard, smiling at the camera, while the man on the right, bald and seated in a chair, appears mid-conversation. The text reads "We Had No Avengers, Just Luchadores! Ianis Guerrero." The bottom text says, "When Zay Zay Met...

    Ianis Guerrero Revives Lucha Libre with El Alcón

    When Zay Zay Met Ianis Guerrero: The Man Behind the Mask of El Alcón ¡Hola amigos y amigas! Today we’re diving into the world of lucha libre with none other than Ianis Guerrero, el multifacético actor, producer, director, and writer. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to bring the magic of the old-school luchador movies back to life, this…

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